If you have a colon hydrotherapy appointment booked at RelaxZone, you might start feeling a little nervous as the day approaches. While the benefits far outnumber the disadvantages (e.g. the discomfort/shyness), we guarantee you’ll feel the results instantly. If you want to ensure your colon hydrotherapy appointment runs as smoothly as possible, here are a few ways to prepare:

Drink Plenty of Clean Fluids

In the days and hours leading up to your appointment, you want to make sure everything is running as smoothly as possible and that your metabolism is regular. Drinking plenty of clean fluids like pure water or water flavoured with mint or citrus wedges will ensure that your system is flushed out and moving things along as it should.

Drink Vegetable Juice

This step cannot be understated. Drinking raw veggie juice releases toxins that are clinging to your colon, which allows the nozzle to more thoroughly flush everything out. Ridding your digestive organs of as much waste as possible will make sure you get the most out of your session. Drinking plenty of liquid vegetables will do the trick.

Eat Clean

Make digestion as easy as possible in the days leading up to your appointment by eating clean, whole foods that are low in fat, high in fibre, and nutritious. Avoid overly processed foods like high-fat cheese, preserved meats, pizza, and sugar, as this can cause your system to back up, making your appointment less effective.

We suggest eating a healthy combination of raw fruits and vegetables, homemade salads, avocados, raw nuts and seeds, whole grains, and organic chicken or fish. The cleaner your food, the more you will benefit from your session.

Find Your Sense of Calm

Your appointment will seem a lot less intrusive and a lot more inviting if you learn to embrace the procedure and find your sense of calm. Tensing up might make the appointment more uncomfortable for you, so it’s important to figure out a way to relax. Meditate, bring soothing music, and imagine how great you’ll feel after the procedure is finished.

Stop Eating Two Hours Before

Plan your meals strategically on the day of your procedure. Drink plenty of fluids that day (more than you think you need) and skip the heavy foods. Opt for really light meals like a salad with a variety of leafy greens and multi-coloured vegetables. You want to feel somewhat empty when you arrive to your appointment to ensure a thorough colon cleansing.

Interested in learning about the many health benefits of colon hydrotherapy? Read our FAQ page to find out how this procedure can help with everything from bad breath to fibromyalgia. Or book your appointment with us today.